view:31312 Last Update: 2024-2-12
PhD : Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, Plant Pathology , 2009-2001 |
Thesis Title : Taxonomy of plant parasitic nematodes of the superfamily Criconematoidea Taylor, 1936 in Iran |
Subject-class : Plant Pathology-Nematology |
Supervisor : Dr. A. Karegar Bideh |
M.Sc : University of Shiraz, Iran, Plant Pathology , 2000-1996 |
Thesis Title : Purification, host range and certain biological and physicochemical properties of Barley Yellow Striate Mosaic Virus |
Subject-class : Plant Pathology-Virology |
Supervisor : Dr. K. Izadpanah |
B.Sc : Isfahan University of Technology, Iran, Plant Protection , 1996-1992 |