view:28007 Last Update: 2023-1-18
Director of chemical engineering department of Engineering Faculty of Zanjan University (Sept.2013-Now)
Director of chemical engineering department of Engineering Faculty of Zanjan University (Sept.2009-Sept.2012)
Chemical engineering field founder in Zanjan University.
Cultural activities manager of Zanjan University (Jan.2003-Nov.2006)
Headmaster and member of collegiate publication surveillance committee of zanjan University (Jan.2003-Nov.2006)
Member of jury of Zanjan University collegiate Islamic associations surveillance. (Mar.2002-Nov.2006)
Vice-president of Faculty of engineering of Zanjan University (Sept.2001-Feb.2003)
Agent of engineering faculty in financial purchases committee of Zanjan University (Mar.2000-Mar.2004)
Founder and manager of Industrial Relations office of Zanjan University. (Apr.2000-Sept.2002)
Member of evaluation and monitoring committee of national and provincial projects. (Apr.2000-Sept.2002)
Manager of committee of ten-year prospect planing of Zanjan University engineering faculty. (Sept.2000-Apr.2001)
Cultural activities manager of Zanjan University of medical science. (Dec.1995-Jun.1998)
Founder and manager of Rayane Daneshgah training center.(Mar.1993-Mar.2005)
Scientific staff of zanjan Jahad daneshgahi (Sept.1991-Apr.1993)
Student member and Scientific staff of Sanati Sharif Jahad daneshgahi (Sept.1985-Sept.1991)