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Hassan Ojaghlou

Supervisor/ Advisor of Projects

Course: M.Sc
No. Student Date of Defence Field Topic Supervisor/ Advisor
6 Sasegh Ghazaghi May  2015Irrigation and Drainage Evaluation of Developed Infiltration Models in Furrow Irrigation with Surge Flow   Advisor
5 Ali Shojaeie   0Irrigation and Drainage Hydraulic Optimization of water distribution networks using genetic algorithms and software Water GemsGEMS Model   Advisor
4 Sana Ezati February  2015Irrigation and Drainage Evaluation of quantitative and qualitative changes Trend in Gezelozan River    Advisor
3 Saeied Hasani June  2015Irrigation and Drainage Assessing groundwater quality Vulnerability Using GIS and Modified DRASTIC Model (Case Study: Qazvin irrigation network)   Advisor
2 Leyla Bayat In progressIrrigation and Drainage Simulation of Furrow Irrigation with Surge and Continuous Flow Using SRFR Model   Advisor
1 Peyman Moradzadeh June  2019Irrigation and Drainage Determination of land suitability for implementing sprinkler irrigation systems using AHP method (case study: Zanjan Plain) 



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